Tuesday 14 August 2018

Making A Hole With Drilling In Florida

By Elizabeth Morgan

Humankind likes to believe that it is in complete control of its surroundings. Now, to a certain extent, they would completely correct in this belief. After all, no animal in the history of the planet has ever been able to affect changes in its environment on the same scale as humans have been able to. But there are some things in the world that do not lend themselves well to human manipulations, things that cannot be guided by any number of hands. Take for example, energy. It may seem like magic, but it has to come from somewhere, and it can come from drilling in Florida.

Drilling is when a resource is pulled out from under the earth. Now, it can be done inland, usually in deserts. But it can also be done offshore, usually using large platforms. In any case, it will be done a good distance away from population centers.

Now, this is something that has to be done. Fossil fuels still provide a lot of power. Which means they are still needed to some degree.

Now, the most popular resource that springs to mind when drilling is mentioned is oil. But natural gases can be drilled as well. It is not just up to oil.

If there is one benefit to drilling, it is the economic impact. The average salary for someone who works on an oil rig is just under a hundred thousand dollars a year. For a job that does not require a college degree, or even one that does, that is a fairly good salary. The fact these people make so much money also means that they have money to spend, which can help prop up local businesses and drive up the local economy as a whole.

Of course, the work can be somewhat dangerous. Especially on oil platforms. Everything has to be within acceptable parameters. If one system gets too hot or too high, then the whole thing can do down in flames because of the resource being extracted. It is for this reason that safety must always be a paramount concern.

Beyond that, there are also some environmental considerations to be made. If the resource spills or leaks, it can cause harm to the local flora and fauna. Then there is the fact the wildlife is displaced anyway when the infrastructure is erected. Now, the act itself can create a good amount of air pollution.

The act of drilling itself can be rather complex. But in its simplest terms, a drill penetrates the crust of the earth and then keeps going until it finds what it is looking for. Then they use a bunch of pumps and such to retrieve it.

Living is not supposed to be simple. But humanity went ahead and made it simple. But that simplicity does have its costs and its drawbacks. But those drawbacks might be necessary. But until there are other ways to achieve an acceptable level of comfort, things will have to remain as they are.

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