Tuesday 30 July 2019

Useful Information Regarding How To Trap A Gopher

By Henry Harris

Gophers usually live in tunnels that they make in the ground. They also use the tunnels as food stores and for movement around lawns. Tunnels dug by one gopher can extend up to several meters in length. Digging tunnels results in the deposition of soil mounds on the surface. Homeowners usually rely on these mounds to detect the presence of moles in an area. This is worth knowing about How to trap a gopher.

It would be very difficult to know if moles exist in a lawn if there were no soil mounds deposited on the landscape. These animals cause a lot of destruction when they invade landscaping by depositing mounds of soil. They also cause plants to dry by feeding on their roots or destroying them when they dig their tunnels. Failure to control these rodents in good time might lead to them spreading to neighboring properties.

Moles are usually attracted to a place by food sources. They feed on a wide range of insects and other materials, but worms are their favorite food source. Presence of leaking water from a tap may also attract them. As such, when one sees that they have moles on their compound, they should start by trying to figure out what is attracting them.

Sometimes removing the food source may cause them to relocate even though it may not happen immediately. Moles are usually solitary animals, which means that they do not exist in a colony or groups. If one notices mole activity on their lawn, it is probably just a single mole and eliminating it solves the problem. However, if there is plenty of worms of food, multiple moles may be attracted to a single place.

In case the gophers do not move when their food supply is removed, one should consider buying a trap. Laying a trap is the best solution to the problem. Traps used for catching gophers are designed in different ways. These traps vary in terms of efficiency in how they work, with some being more effective than others.

For better chances of success, it is vital to handle all equipment meant for trapping these animals with gloved hands. Gloves prevent the scent of the person that is laying the trap from spreading into the tunnel. Like stated before, gophers are solitary animal and most are the sole occupiers of the tunnels they make.

Handling traps with bare hand will leave some foreign scents in the barrows. The moles can easily catch the scent since they have a very strong sense of smell. Foreign scent on the traps can also be removed by having them cleaned thoroughly. This should be done immediately after buying the traps before they start to be used. The cleaning should also be done after handling the traps without gloves and also after they have been used to catch the rodents.

Moistening the soil by irrigating it adequately before setting up the traps is also important. Gophers are usually attracted by soil which has been moistened. This makes them to move to upper tunnels in their network of tunnels. When the gophers move to the upper tunnels, the chances of them getting caught in the traps increase a lot.

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