Wednesday 13 March 2019

Useful And Essential Facts About Charleston SC Commercial Landscape Maintenance

By Sarah McDonald

Evidence shows that landscaping has been practiced by human beings for centuries. This practice dates back in time as far back as the ancient Egypt and Rome. People have been engaging in this practice for two major reasons although other reasons also apply. The two major reasons for this manipulation of land are practical and aesthetics. Any activity done for the purposes of modifying the visible features of an area of land is known as landscaping. Here are facts regarding Charleston SC commercial landscape maintenance.

Living organisms namely flora and fauna also make up the definition. The activity of nurturing plant with the goal of developing beautiful features in a place also forms part of the definition. Additionally, individuals attain this by bringing in natural aspects like the shape of the terrain, water bodies, landforms and elevation into play. Aspects like weather and lighting may be incorporated into landscaping depending on their suitability.

It is clear that landscaping has changed from what it used to be in the ancient times. Today, it is about planning, laying out, and constructing gardens with enhanced appearance and creating useable spaces for outdoor activities within a homestead. This can be achieved partially by building or erecting structures on a landscape.

For an individual to achieve landscaping that is well-manicured, the procedure has to begin before anything on the ground is changed or laid. This is because homes have different landscapes that require different kinds of manipulation in order to achieve the desired goals. Irrespective of the end result, the process of landscaping stays the same.

In fact, there are two main phases of the process, which include construction and design phases. In the design phase, researching, planning, and collection of ideas are done. During the design phase, the client has to work with the contractor closely. The two have to come up with the design that suits the needs and preferences of the client. A good landscaper will always involve the client in the process.

During the design phase all possible design considerations are addressed. Also, the style to be employed and what features are be added is discussed is details. The phase only concludes when a person has received a completed comprehensive plan proposing the location and materials for hardscapes. Also detailed in the plan are plants and outdoor living features.

The end of the design phase marks the beginning of the construction phase. This phase involves the actual process of building. While some contractors handle both phases there are those who specialize in either phase. At this stage, the contractor works closely with their designer to make sure that what has been arrived at in the previous phase is actualized. Once everything has being laid out as planned, the last part before handing over to the homeowner is testing and cleaning the landscaped area of land.

It is very critical that after conclusion of the project, a maintenance plan is generated. This is attributed to the fact that landscaping never stays the same forever. This is why maintenance is necessary after completion of works. The nature of the required maintenance is determined by a number of aspects like installed type of landscape. Irrigation, weeding, fertilizing and pruning are some of the common maintenance processes.

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