Thursday 14 March 2019

The Benefits Of Oilfield Lightning Protection

By Rebecca Allen

Lightning strikes pose a serious threat to any person working in an oilfield. The use of Oilfield Lightning Protection can help keep the equipment and employees safe. Most states in the country are prone to lightning strikes. These strikes can cause electronics to malfunction alongside other damages. The only solution to minimize this threat is by using the state of art lightning protection. Here are some of the reasons why oilfields should invest in technology.

It keeps the workers safe. Investing in these protective measures helps boost their morale and motivation. It acts as an assurance that a company is conscious of its employees. The end result of this exercise is increased output from the workers. Plus it helps avoid claims for compensation due to unsafe working conditions.

Helps protect the installations and equipment on your oilfield from damage. Direct lightning strikes on these tools can cause untold demerits. In such a case, you will not have anything to do other than taking them for repair. The exercise will take time leading to an increase in downtime. Rather than go through all this hassle, protect your investment from these attacks. That is the only way to be safe.

Protecting oilfields from lightning is beneficial in avoiding structural damages. In most cases, these attacks will lead to fires that may destroy the storage tanks. When this happens, it becomes impossible to repair these systems. In such a case, replacing them becomes inevitable. The cost of undertaking a replacement of all systems is quite high. Failure to protect them from these strikes means the replacements will be often. You do not want your company to incur all these costs. Have the best tools to prevent these attacks in your business.

Protecting yourself from these strikes means you are proactive and not reactive. As such, you are the person in charge of the entire process. If something happens, you ascertain that your investment and employees are safe. The oilfield will continue giving positive results to ensure you get value for your investment. That is the only way to make sure you get value for your money.

Implementing protective measures gives you control over your finances. It also gives you the leverage to choose the best firm in the industry to meet your needs and expectations. Remember, you are not in a hurry to meet do repairs and replacements. As such, you can clearly check whether your ideal firm meets your needs and expectations or not. If not, continue looking till you get the best there is in the industry.

As a member of the management team, you are responsible for ensuring there is a value from this investment. Check through the market to choose the best company to undertake this project. The firm you hire should be the best at what they do. Further, they need to be good at support services. Hire a company that enjoys a positive reputation in the market. These companies will do anything to ensure your needs are met.

As a manager, you need to appreciate the risks your oilfields faces. Doing this makes it possible to apply the best corrective measures that do not harm the reputation of your industry. Use these measures to ensure you get value for your investment.

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