Friday 18 January 2019

How To Make Amazon Bookkeeping Less Daunting

By Jose Jones

Accounting is an arduous and tedious task. This is especially true for people who lack training and therefore might not enjoy it at all. It can also be overwhelming and stressful especially if left until there is a deadline looming. It is definitely time-consuming. It takes a lot to gather all the data and assemble it as it should be. Amazon bookkeeping is not a walk in the park. One must arm themselves with the fundamentals of it before they DIY. Without said knowledge, it is also easy to be misled by the software on the market.

Just like regular businesses, e-commerce traders still have to pay taxes. Taxes have to be filed on time. The authorities announce the dates months in advance. That is why there is a penalty for late filing. It is assumed to be due to either ignorance or laziness. Taxes also have to be filed properly. If one is doing all of the things on their own with nary a knowledge of accounting principle then it is guaranteed that they will make a mistake. Often, a fatal one.

Imagining running a business and never knowing in which direction it is going? How will one focus and budget their efforts? What if it is time to just call it quits and find a new direction in life? What then? By doing the books one can see how well or bad their business is doing. E-commerce is just like any other business. One needs to constantly check on the health.

The first important document to know about is the profit and loss statement. This could possibly be the most important document in this whole exercise. This document will provide information about the bottom line of the business. It will provide a performance report for the business. Is there a profit or loss? How does it compare to previous months? How about a look at each aspect on its own? What kind of movement is being experienced in the revenue section? How about the expenses section? How do the movements compare?

Then comes the next step which is a look at the overall health. At this point, more aspects are introduced like the equity and liabilities. One also gets to see more of the assets like accounts receivable and inventory at hand. The statement of financial position shows one that the company is in good condition whether or not there is a profit.

The key to ensuring comprehensive coverage of all relevant data required for this exercise is ensuring proper record keeping. There should be some sort of journal that one refers at the end of the months when doing their accounting. Receipts must also be properly stored. If one has to get cloud space to store these bits then it should be done.

It is tempting to wait until a few days before the tax deadline to get this done. However, that is probably the worst thing one can do. Here is no telling what is lurking behind the numerical curtain. The exercise could prove more time consuming than expected. Then one would either have to rush through or they would leave it unfinished.

Imagine a few years down the line the business is audited? Or imagine there are greener pastures to move on to which warrants selling of the business? How will new managers get the backstory? This way, former mistakes are avoided in the future. Therefore ensure these accounting records have been properly and safely stored. Safety is a big issue as in the wrong hands there is no telling what the documents can be used for.

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