Sunday 12 August 2018

Garage Insurance Pays Dividends With The Help Of Certified DBE Firm

By Mary Price

Owning an automotive repair garage is a good move if you are skilled and trained in the field. Garages are fairly busy all year through, however, that will also depend on the service provided and the quality of the work carried out. The industry is a broad one which incorporates cars, trucks, RVs, tractors and even motorcycles. Your speciality is your choice. Customers entrust their vehicles to you in order for you to repair them and while in your possession, they are your responsibility to protect, however, that isn't always possible. So it's best to get assistance from certified DBE firm who understand how to ensure customer satisfaction.

Client vehicles become your responsibility while held within your facility for any period of time. Ensuring that you have protection if damage or theft of any vehicle occurs is paramount to your business and your client. A comprehensive garage liability insurance will cover repairs and even replacement of a client vehicle should the need arise.

Besides the vehicles involved, the customers should also be covered by your garage liability insurance. Accidents that happen in any workshop setting during the course of operations could affect clients visiting your establishment at the time. Bodily harm to your customers must be addressed in your policy to ensure that they are able to receive the treatment they require should the need arise.

Damage or theft of a vehicle or the medical costs and legal fees associated with an incident at your garage could cripple you financially if you haven't taken the necessary precautions. The legal battle that could ensue could be the end of your business.

Reputation plays a tremendous role in the success of a business, especially an automotive repair business. While you may be dappling over the financial stresses, you also need to take heed of what incidents handled in the wrong way will do to your reputation. Bad experiences are much more quickly spread than good ones.

Many garages manufacture their own products or sell products as an added benefit, however, placing a product that is faulty into a vehicle could cause damage that is extensive. Garage liability insurance covers you in this instance. Should you unknowingly place a defective part in a vehicle and that action causes damage to the vehicle, the policy will cover the costs of the repairs or in severe cases, the replacement of the vehicle.

Garage liability insurance is strictly for coverage of clients and their vehicles, it does not cover any injuries to people who work in the facility. Policies do vary and you would be wise to consider and research a variety before making a decision. Bear in mind that cover is only provided up to the amount stipulated on the policy, nothing more.

Many business owners in the industry may forgo taking out a business liability insurance policy, however, they are putting themselves under more pressure than necessary. The small instalment each month is well-worth the peace of mind of knowing that should your business befall any untoward events, you will be covered and in no danger of the financial devastation that could become a reality. Bear in mind that the amount of cover you choose will be stipulated as part of your policy. Your policy will then not cover anything more than that amount

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