Monday 13 August 2018

Believing The Wicca Goddess Statue

By Kevin Murphy

In every religion, culture and beliefs of persons are making various forms of idols that are made from gold, silver, stone, wood or figurines. These images were made as a means of worship. Even though there is no scientific explanation that these images are real and able to help the patrons, they still believe and continue to worship these idols. They think that even though these idols are lifeless and do not have a life of their own, they are still able to work in mysterious ways. Wicca goddess statue is one of the oldest beliefs of people since ancient times and still continue to gather followers even today.

Scientists, researchers, skeptics and critics have long been making fun and criticize the faith of others. They developed new studies to prove that the earth began with a much simpler answer. They theorize that the world began by two planets attract with each other and became one, some even said that people evolved from animals like monkey and apes, others even theorize that mankind came from bacteria and evolved from it.

Religion is nothing short of a blessing. It is a blessing in disguise. Individuals who put their heart and soul to their creed have experienced wonderful things and changes. They gain more blessings and has avoid different calamities.

In ancient times, folks were killing each other. They waged war against other nations. These wars have different meaning and purpose like world domination, slavery, resources and religion. They invade and plunder the defeated nation and gather its loot.

Cultures are hard to maintain due to the fast pacing in the world today. However, culture is in the blood and the government is trying hard to maintain it. No matter where a person lives, they have no choice but to follow their own culture.

Many individuals have been worshipping an ultimate being that cannot be seen. This religious group has undergone various persecutions and yet it survives until today. Now it has become the most growing and most popular among creeds.

Each religion has a sacred book. Christianity have a book called bible while the Muslims have the Quran. These books were written by different prophets and authors who have seen the power and glory of their supreme being.

In every religious group there are some similarities and contradictions as well. They have rituals where they patrons had to fasten for days and prohibit them to go outside. Some prohibits the clothes to wear. They practice to give offerings as thanks to their supreme being.

Life is so full of struggles and difficulties. Even though that the world is full of mystery, every individual should learn that all people are just human beings. They only need to understand the difference of each person so everything will be alright.

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