Saturday 6 January 2018

The Duties Of HOA Board Of Directors California

By Eric Jones

Every company is at liberty to determine the roles that its board of director plays. However, they are those that are a statutory requirement and a must for the organ. Such roles of HOA Board of Directors California are listed here in this article. An important fact to remember as you go through the piece is that they exercise the powers on behalf of the shareholders.

They are responsible for keeping complete records in a company on behalf of homeowners. They record all the minutes and keep them for approval during the next meeting. They also record the various actions that the directors takes and notifies the members of all these during the annual general meetings. The annual general meeting is a statutory requirement of every company.

The managers are in charge of staffing needs of the association. They hire the top ranking managers of the firm. These managers report directly to them. In case of misconduct, it is the same board that penalizes the wrong doers. Where the misconduct is gross, they can recommend for the manager to get fired. This responsibility requires they follow the existing labor laws lest the company is charged in a court of law.

They enter into contracts and make payments on behalf of the association. They can enter into a contract and inform the shareholders during the next AGM. The law, however, bars them from making contracts exceeding one year without consulting the owners of the association. As such, they will have to wait for an AGM to get approval for the contract. If it is urgent, they can convene a special meeting for the same.

These are the officials tasked with the role of managing liabilities and assets of the firm. Before taking credit, they have to ensure the company has its gearing at the best levels. They understand the importance of credit and the risks such brings when the inevitable happens. They also assess the exposure of a business to risk and provide possible measures to mitigate this.

It is the obligation of board members to ensure that all the resolutions passed by shareholders are implemented. There are different types of resolutions for the management to implement. The common ones are the ordinary resolutions that are passed by a simple majority of those voting. Special resolutions are passed by a given number of members as stated in the company policy.

In case of default, the management approves or denies the plea to take the matter to court. They are responsible for the external communication and are thus aware of implications the case may bring to the firm. If the firm is sued, it is their role to turn every stone in order the effort of winning the case. It can, therefore, be argued that the ones tasked by law to ensure the statutory and legal requirements are met at all times.

As you have seen, there are some roles that HOA directors play. However, if you are a shareholder in a firm, you must ensure that the decisions being made are made in your best interest. Always have in mind that they hold the office in trust for you.

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