Friday 24 March 2017

Native American Clean Water System Project Is Late

By Janet Baker

Safe drinking water is not available to any Native Americans. Though this is something that has been discussed for a long time, no permanent solution has been found to help ensure the people living in this area have clean aquatic to use. Thus, they have a hard time leading their daily lives because liquid plays a huge role in living. Thus, the reasons that there is various Native American clean water system being established.

The problem started off when the aquatic supply project began in America. Back in the day, the supply was only taken to the people who were allowed to vote, and since the natives were not one of them, they did not get the supply. Ever since that time, the problem has not been resolved despite the fact that this community owned their voting rights in 1948.

Today, you will come across many non-profits companies that are willing to resolve this problem. Although they are taken the initiative to help, it is becoming hard for them since they do not have the financial support required for this. Due to this factor, only a few people can get the commodity, and this should not be the case.

These organizations mostly rely on the donations made to them. In case there is no donation, it is difficult for the intended people to access this important commodity. This will cause more problems and it many families will not enjoy the most important commodity in their daily lives.

It is the human right to have access to water, thus the reason that the governments should ensure that they intervene. All they have to do is to create a system that will supply the product to those who do not have it. The project might take a lot of money and also a long time to be established, but it is past its time. Without a clean supply to use, the people living in these areas suffer the chances of contracting water-borne illnesses.

It is pretty obvious that no life should be taken lightly; it should be taken seriously and valued. Regardless of the community, everyone needs to have access to basic needs so that they do not suffer so that their health is guarded against. They need to be of good health; they should have access to education and allowed to take part in economic developments too.

It is possible for the people to do the cleaning of the water that they use. However, this requires some tools to be used. These products are costly, and the residents in these areas cannot afford to buy. Thus, the government should think about investing in such projects as they plan on the right way that they can bring in the supplies.

Without the product, the human right is being violated. It is disappointing that up to date, the government has done nothing to help with the supplies. This project should have been undertaken a long time and help save both the health and lives of people living in these areas.

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