Monday 20 March 2017

A Summary Of Post Tension Cables

By Pamela Wilson

Housing is an essential aspect for human survival. Since time immemorial, man has constantly modified his strategies on building structures. This has been done for purposes of protecting himself and his possessions from other people and wild animals, harsh climatic conditions such extreme cold or heat, and also prestige. Discovery of new techniques and materials such as post tension cables have enabled man to move from simple and less purposeful constructions to more complex and multi-purpose ones. The post tension materials are used to reinforce the concrete and are vital for any construction activity taking place.

There are often bends that have to be made and these cables are elastic enough to allow engineers to make something that fits their design. If the concrete is used alone, it would easily crumble if a force is applied to it. Moreover, the weight that floor can hold is determined by the cables. If you want it to carry more, use stronger post tension materials.

Construction is costly since it requires extensive labor and machines. Both skilled and semi-skilled personnel are necessary to complete the project. The engineers design and carry out regular check-ups to ensure everything goes as planned while the others participate in manual activities. The materials minimize on the use of reinforced steel bars and concrete; hence, money is saved to be used in other expenses.

Durability is another aspect that the materials are designed to have. It has robustness and permanence in that if they are used, the structure can stay for a long time without a need of being altered. In case there is need for alteration, it will be easy since the materials are dynamic to adapt to future changes. For example, it will be possible to increase the number of stages.

There is need for people to take good care of their surroundings as it is imperative for human survival. These materials are designed in such a way that the constructor uses fewer materials while constructing. This saves on the energy used to extract and manufacture them meanwhile the carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere is also reduced. This ensures future generations are able to enjoy the resources currently available.

A shorter span of time enables the owner to begin enjoying the benefits of the structure much sooner than expected. The materials are simple and easy to fix during the actual construction process; hence, less time consuming. Despite the duration taken is affected by the size of the project, the cable technology is quicker than other techniques used before even for mega size projects.

The level of quality is second to none. Physical objects have to sustain earth tremors or tornadoes, which are powerful. These cables help to strengthen the structure in that it is left intact in case of such occurrences. They reinforce the concrete and keep it together, which makes the foundation stronger. In case of strong winds, it will not be blown away.

To put all the above in a nut shell, the products are advantageous, but like every other material they have disadvantages. They are costly and if you are not financially prepared you may have to leave the construction underway. Despite the price, quality should not be compromised and you should consult with a qualified engineer while making plans of erecting a building, stadium, or a bridge so that he can advise on the necessary materials required.

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