Wednesday 14 September 2016

Tips For Employment Background Screening Valdosta Ga Businesses Need To Know

By Matthew Hayes

Some large companies routinely screen job applicants. It saves them time and money in the end, if they know the person being employed has been truthful and forthcoming on his or her application. Certain businesses and agencies, ones that hire teachers, police officers, and drivers for instance, are required to investigate backgrounds. There are rules for employment background screening Valdosta Ga businesses need to know before they do any checking.

One of the first decisions you will have to make is whether to do the checking on your own or to hire a company that provides these services. Of course there are fees and costs associated with using an outside company. You may not want to employ them for every new hire, but only the ones who will have access to sensitive information.

Employers are not allowed to check up on potential employees without their knowledge. The person applying for work must be informed in writing and give written permission before their background can be screened. The agreement cannot be part of an application. It must be a completely separate document. If you get negative information from the investigation and decide not to hire the applicant, that individual must be informed of the reason.

There are certain things you are permitted check up on and others that are prohibited. You can pull credit reports, medical records, criminal history, and driving records. You can contact previous employers and the references that the person gives you. You can also verify their educational degrees. In most cases, you can also get information on whether or not an individual has ever applied for worker's compensation.

Most parents would not consider hiring a nanny or babysitter without checking the prospective worker's credentials. This is also true of people who have in-home assistants, housekeepers, and gardeners. Companies who employ independent contractors, have the right to investigate their backgrounds and experience as well.

When a company suspects one or more of its workers is engaged in activity that is illegal or against company policy, that employer has the right to investigate without any notification to the employees. If the individuals in question are found to be guilty of misconduct and are let go, the business is not required to provide any private reports that led to their decision. Contacting law enforcement or government agencies, if applicable, is completely within the scope of the employer's rights.

Employers who screen job applicant backgrounds themselves should know what the rules and regulations are concerning the process. Those who do not follow the law may find themselves sued by an angry employee. Companies should probably avoid the internet sites that promise to provide all pertinent background information. Very often the reports they generate are inaccurate and misleading. There are a number of free services that can help businesses get what they need.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a company verifying the information about a potential employee. If the person in question is not willing to have you look into his or her background, you may want to think twice before hiring.

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