Thursday 25 August 2016

Why Environmental Mediation Talks Are Important

By Mary Stewart

There comes a time when people who live or work together come to a disagreement over certain issues. It does not matter the magnitude of the problem but how they handle it is the most important thing. There are numerous reports of couples, friend or workmates going to the extreme. This includes killing, blackmailing and use of force to sway the weak into your side. However, there are other diplomatic ways of settling scores. People or institutions can sit down to talk and make resolutions on certain matters. The same way, countries or organizations also hold environmental mediation talks to resolve matters.

Whenever two people disagree, it takes an impartial person to help them resolve their conflict. This person is also known as a mediator. He/she is supposed to hold separate and private talk with each party before making them to meet. Even though it is a tricky assignment, an impartial negotiator will score especially if the two parties resolve their disputes.

Chances are two or more countries such as the US, Israel, Syria, Russia, Palestine among many others have ever disagreed. The result is that they have resorted to using crude means to end their feuds. Otherwise, the best way to end it would be through negotiation talks rather than wars. This is quite inexpensive as compared to warfare. Talks on the environment are the main topics in these meetings.

It is important to examine the type of cases that mediators engage in. The most common ones are conflicts arising from money laundering activities, disputes between local residents and the government and land pollution. The mediator will come in to hold talks so that the issue is addressed immediately.

The US is one of the countries that has embraced use of mediation as a form of communication. In fact, one body known as the US institute is responsible for delegating such experts in certain areas. They represent the country in discussion of complex matters so that the matter is resolved within a blink of an eye. The mediator holds talks with different stakeholders to come to an understanding.

Their main duties are varied in nature depending on the magnitude of the misunderstanding. A mediator will help in instances where organizations want to select a neutral third party. This is important since the third person is a new member. As a result, the new member will be required to take part in decision making. The decisions made should be as neutral as possible.

One of the most important treaties that benefited out of these dialogues was the one for Antarctica. It is rated as the oldest. Out of the treaty, 41 member nations have joined it to maintain their sovereignty as opposed to submitting to an outside authority. Such agreements illustrate the power in words between two or more people.

The best way through which Mother Nature can reward people is through the provision of a safe environment. People ought to realize that the steps they take today will reflect on the results they get tomorrow. Therefore, it is the responsibility of each person to make everything around them neat and clean. This shows why the environment becomes a vital aspect for people and countries to consider in their key decisions.

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