Thursday 26 November 2015

Iphone Online Courses To Get To Know Your Phone

By Evelyn Walls

The Internet has become a valuable resource for learning how to do just about anything. It is no surprise that you can use iPhone online courses to become an iPhone expert, or maybe you just want to know how to use the GPS. Apple does have some information on their website, but there are better resources. The older phone models had buttons to push and were easier to use. But they did not have one tenth the functionality of any smart phone. With so many functions it is impossible to have a button for everything. Learning how to use an iPhone, or some other smart phone, has become a fundamental part of every day life. No one should feel any shame about needing some extra help. Smart phones are not self explanatory.

There is a great website that offers free step by step instructions on nineteen different features found on every phone. It includes a quiz so you can test yourself to see how much you have retained. The good thing is that you can do this any time anywhere with your phone, iPod or iPad. The instructions are very clear and can be reviewed again and again as needed.

The iTunes site also has several free tutorials. They are all free and often provide you with links or access to more tutorials. The videos are fairly short, and you can learn what you need to know in seven to fifteen minutes blocks of time.

The Apple store online provides support pages free of charge. The topics are listed in appropriate categories. You can learn how to transfer data, how to adjust your settings and all about email and messaging. Be sure that you are using iCloud for backup. When a phone is lost, stolen or damaged, if the owner has failed to backup data to iCloud, all is lost.

There are paid courses online where you can usually get a ten day free trial, but after that the fee is about thirty five dollars a month. These course may be more robust and cover more topics. They offer an annual fee which is slightly less per month but you will pay one lump sum in excess of three hundred dollars. If you want to try these courses it seems reasonable to buy the service for a month before you commit that much money to something you may not use or need.

YouTube is another free resource. There are many online video tutorials for just about anything you need to know about your iPhone. It is easy to simply choose the ones that are of interest to you and move onto the next video when you are ready.

Google Chrome is also a resource for free tutorials and instructions. Users can switch back and forth between YouTube and Google to find the ones that are most helpful. Thanks to these two resources, the supply of information is virtually unlimited and constantly being updated.

You choose how much time you want to devote to this learning. Smart phones are here to stay, but their functionality is only going to increase. Learning the phones with each new generation is the best way to stay current. You will build your knowledge base with each step. Best to get started now and continue to update and refresh. Users will always need to be prepared for the next latest, greatest generation of phones.

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